Shalom Sis,

High Cholesterol has plagued our community among other dis-eases. However, I do believe as we return back to YAH and His Ways that we will be healed. I am just grateful that my latter half of life will be better than my former, that's Yah's promise! As far as simple foods that reduce bad cholesterol off hand is a lot of natural fiber and cruciferous veggies (kale, greens, chard, cauliflower, cabbage, etc). Steel cut oatmeal replace that with a meal only add honey and cinnamon for taste and oat milk, honey doesn't raise cholesterol like table sugar. Something that I need to get better at is drinking more water that helps to flush out toxins. If I come across any more tips, I will plug them here Sis. We speak life and healing over one another. Try for a month replacing a meal with a bowl of oatmeal and honey, and another meal with a hearty green salad (top with olive oil and vinegar) and still have a balanced dinner. I need to fall in line too Sis...we in this together.

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