Looking into the mirror I’m reminded of Yah in gentleness showing me over the years the true value of a woman wasn’t based on anything physical or material but rather things unseen. Her beautiful MIND, her spirituality, her kindness, her standards, her modesty, her self care, her self love, her ability to multiply a man’s vision, her character - the internals and so forth.
I used to wonder why I felt invisible to men. I am being reserved for someone handpicked by Yah himself - wow 🤩!! It blows me away how good Yah is.
He knows the desire of my heart is not to settle. As I wait, I’ll continue to work on myself and keep my eyes on Yah and my Kingdom purpose.
So, ladies, don’t always assume you’re doing something wrong if men aren’t knocking down your door. Men may perceive your values and standards too high which translates to “she is going to be hard to get!” so they don’t bother. They reach for the “easy to get” low hanging fruit. Don’t become the fruit that’s hanging low because you think it will give you value / validation. The “right” man will discern you properly and approach you respectfully like the beautiful women of Yah you are!
Continue walking with your head up and shoulders back and always remember you are absolutely worthy of love and are VERY special to Yah! Your value is in what YOUR CREATOR put inside - not what society has deemed outwardly important to possess.
Yah’s Love, Blessings, Favor and Shalom 🙏🏽
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You Betta preach Sis!👏🏽👏🏽 Ladies please know your value and purpose before attempting to pursue "Mr.Right". Without knowing who you are in Yah first and what He requires will lead you to Mr. Wrong 🙏🏽